Meet the team of Celebration Community Church in Bordentown, NJ.
Serving the Lord with Celebration, Connection, and Community!

Lead Pastor – Wayne Lebak
Wayne & Christina Lebak
Serving in eldership since 2005
Wayne is a lifelong NJ resident and has lived in the Bordentown area all of his life. He started attending the New Jerusalem Christian Church (now called Celebration Community Church) in 1981 with his parents. That summer at a church picnic he gave his heart to Jesus and was water baptized the same day.
In those early years, Wayne began his service to the Lord by setting up chairs for the meetings and helping the music ministry set up their equipment. As time progressed he joined the music ministry as a singer and then later as the drummer.
In 1991 he was asked to serve as a deacon of the church and a few years later as the head deacon. In that same year, he married Christina. During this time he worked as a police officer for the Bordentown Township Police Department.
In 2005 Wayne was asked to serve as an elder and was ordained as a pastor that summer. In 2014 he retired from his position as a sergeant from the police department after 25 years of service and began to serve the church full time.
In 2015 Wayne was installed as the lead pastor for CCC, to serve the local congregation and the community.

Missions Pastor Doug Linser
Doug & MaryBeth Linser
Serving in eldership since 1988
In 1977, Doug attended the church’s youth retreat where he invited Jesus into his heart to be his Lord. At the same time, he received the baptism of the Holy Spirit even though he had no prior knowledge of this incredible gift! From then until 1986 he had what would best be described as an on-again, off-again relationship with the Lord. In 1986 he made a life-changing commitment to serve the Lord convinced there was only one way to live – for Jesus!
Doug began serving as an elder in 1988 and was ordained as a pastor in 1989. From 1988 to 2000 Doug served as one of the pastors while also working in business. He held positions of increasing responsibilities for the Alexander Group, Bell Atlantic, BOC, Rhone-Poulenc, and lastly Rhodia, a large French chemical company, where he was a director of human resources reporting to a company president. In 2000, he stepped away from secular employment to be set in place as the full time Senior Pastor.
Over the years Doug has served the Lord abroad in France, Guatemala, El Salvador, Peru, China, Canada, Africa, Norway and Latvia, along with various places in the US. In 2015, the local responsibility of CCC was transitioned to Pastor Wayne as lead pastor. Doug moved into the role as Missions Pastor and is charged with spreading the gospel abroad, serving and strengthening churches in other countries, while focusing on ministering to and training up the next generation.
He also serves on the board of directors for the Baltic School of Ministry in Latvia.
You can follow and support the Linser’s ministry travels here.

Associate Pastor Allan Lebak
Allan and Angel Lebak
Serving in eldership since 1999-2005 and 2016 – Present
Allan was born and raised on the family farm in Chesterfield, NJ.
When he was about 13 years old, Allan began attending a prayer meeting, along with his parents, that met in the basement of Pastor Larry and Carole Arendas’s home. It was there he accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior. The following summer in 1977 he was baptized in the ocean at Ocean Grove, NJ.
Allan served in many capacities throughout the years in what started as New Jerusalem Fellowship, became New Jerusalem Christian Church, and now Celebration Community Church. He has served as part of the setup crew, a Home Group Leader, Youth Director, Music Ministry, Deacon, and Pastor. During this time he worked full time as a Wastewater Plant Operator and Supervisor in Bordentown NJ.
Allan and Angel met in church in November 1991 and were married in May 1993, and they now have two children. Allan was ordained as a Pastor at NJCC in 1999 and served in the Eldership there under Pastor Doug Linser. Allan and Angel were coordinating several different ministries including the Healing & Deliverance teams and the Women’s Ministry. In 2005 Allan and Angel felt a calling of the Lord to sell their home in Mt. Holly NJ and move to Raleigh, NC. They went to North Carolina and relied on the faithfulness of God to provide for them. They were unsure of their purpose there, but quickly found the favor of the Lord. Allan worked as a Wastewater Plant Supervisor for the Town of Apex and Angel started her social media virtual assistant company. After about one year there they started a mid-week Bible study inviting people from the neighborhood and surrounding towns to attend. Allan and Angel were very involved in the neighborhood and formed many relationships. By 2012 they sensed the prompting of the Lord to return back to NJ.
Allan and Angel and their children now reside in Bordentown area and have rejoined Celebration Community Church. Allan and Angel coordinate the Intercessory Prayer, website marketing and serve on the Healing and Freedom teams. Allan was re-installed as an Associate Pastor in November 2016.
- Kathy Bowles
- Paula Falkowski
- Donnie and Phyllis Fenimore
- Brad Gilbert
- Tim Harper
- Steve and Joanne Lebak