Dec 15, 2019 | Pastor Allan Lebak
During this Christmas season as well as during our daily lives, for whom should we keep our awe and wonder for? Let us listen to Pastor Allan’s teaching below. Scriptures Referenced 1 Corinthians 13: 11 Matthew 19: 14 Luke 2:...
Dec 8, 2019 | Pastor Wayne Lebak
Do we know that God is the Lord? If we do, how well do we know Him? Are we close to Him? Let us listen to Pastor Wayne’s uplifting teaching below. Scriptures Referenced Ezekiel 38: 21-22 Ezekiel 38: 23 Ezekiel 39: 7 Ezekiel 39:...
Dec 1, 2019 | Pastor Doug Linser
In what way and how should we be a good neighbor to those around us as per Jesus’ parable? Let us listen to Pastor Doug’s encouraging teaching below. Scriptures Referenced Luke 10: 25-37
Nov 24, 2019 | Uncategorized
When we have fears in our lives, how should we react and to whom should we look to overcome our fears? Let us listen to Tim Harper’s encouraging teaching below. Scriptures Referenced Ephesians 3: 14-19 2 Corinthians 12: 7-10 1 Corinthians 1: 26-31 Exodus 20: 3...
Nov 17, 2019 | Pastor Allan Lebak
When God affirms us, how does this prepare us to extend these same affirmations to others? What kind of legacy should we leave behind as Christians? Let us listen to Pastor Allan’s teaching below. Scriptures Referenced 1 John 5
Nov 10, 2019 | Uncategorized
We had the pleasure of welcoming Pastor Tony Palumbo, who shares with us about John the Baptist and how when circumstances become difficult to continue to hold fast to God. Let us listen to Pastor Palumbo’s teaching below. Scriptures Referenced John 1: 29 John...