Rejoicing in Trials – Pastor Doug Linser

Rejoicing in Trials – Pastor Doug Linser

We will go through trials and difficulties in our lives. How should we as Christians react to these situations? Let us listen to Pastor Doug’s encouraging teaching below. Scriptures Referenced 2 Corinthians 1: 4 1 Peter 1: 1-2 2 Thessalonians 2: 16-17 Titus 1:...
Church Unity – Pastor Tony Palumbo

Church Unity – Pastor Tony Palumbo

We had the pleasure of welcoming Pastor Tony Palumbo, who shares with us about the importance of unity within the church. Let us listen to Pastor Palumbo’s teaching below. Scriptures Referenced John 13: 34-38 John 17: 20-23 Acts 4:...
Your Mission for Christ – Pastor Wayne Lebak

Your Mission for Christ – Pastor Wayne Lebak

When it comes to our individual callings in Christ, do we know what they are and if so, are we carrying them out? Let us listen to Pastor Wayne’s teaching below. Scriptures Referenced Ephesians 1: 4 Ephesians 1: 5 Ephesians 1: 17-18 Mark 16: 15 Ephesians 1: 3...

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