Nov 25, 2018 | Pastor Allan Lebak
When God wants us to mature and change, sometimes there is the fire and pressure of difficult circumstances in our lives. How should we approach these circumstances as followers of Christ? Let us listen to Pastor Allan’s teaching below. Scriptures Referenced...
Nov 18, 2018 | Pastor Doug Linser
When compared to other books of antiquity, the Bible more than proves its authenticity and still brings healing, power, and knowledge to those who believe, study, and live by it. Let us listen to Pastor Doug’s encouraging teaching below. Scriptures Referenced...
Nov 11, 2018 | Pastor Wayne Lebak
Prayer and fasting are often done to address different issues along with worship. By doing so, we can take our eyes off ourselves and refocus onto God. Let us listen to Pastor Wayne’s teaching below on how important this is for believers. Scriptures Referenced...
Nov 4, 2018 | Pastor Tom Kozinsky
How important is it for us as believers and followers of God to read, study, and dwell on the Word? Let us listen to Pastor Tom’s teaching below. Scriptures Referenced John 3: 16 Colossians 3: 16 Hebrews 4: 12 2 Timothy 3: 16 2 Peter 1: 16 Psalm 42:...
Oct 28, 2018 | Uncategorized
We had the pleasure of welcoming Pastor Tony Palumbo, who shares with us the overwhelming love of God at times when we feel the most alone. Let us listen to Pastor Palumbo’s encouraging teaching below. Scriptures Referenced John 10: 7-10 Luke 15:...
Oct 21, 2018 | Pastor Allan Lebak
When we receive the call and commission by the Lord, do we react timely or delay? How should we approach the call? Let us listen to Pastor Allan’s insightful teaching below. Scriptures Referenced Matthew 4: 18-22 Luke 14: 26 Matthew 19: 29 Proverbs 19:...