Sep 2, 2018 | Pastor Tom Kozinsky
How often do we connect with God on a daily basis, experiencing encounters with Him? Let us listen to Pastor Tom’s teaching below. Scriptures Referenced John 4: 6-26 John 4: 27-34 John 4: 39-42
Aug 26, 2018 | Pastor Wayne Lebak
How should we respond when God chooses us to be His instruments? Let us listen to Pastor Wayne’s teaching below. Scriptures Referenced Isaiah 14: 5-6 Isaiah 20: 2-3 Isaiah 14: 1-2 Isaiah 64: 8 1 Corinthians 3:...
Aug 19, 2018 | Pastor Allan Lebak
We serve an awesome God. In what ways is He awesome, and how should this encourage us? Let us listen to Pastor Allan’s uplifting teaching below. Scriptures Referenced Colossians 1: 16-18 Psalm 34: 8-14 Psalm 2: 1-6 1 Chronicles 17: 16-27 Romans 8: 32 Philippians...
Aug 12, 2018 | Pastor Tom Kozinsky
How often do we make time to go “one on one” with God and why is this critical in our relationship with Him? Let us listen to Pastor Tom’s teaching below. Scriptures Referenced Matthew 6: 5-8 Nehemiah 1: 1-6 Nehemiah 2:...
Aug 5, 2018 | Pastor Doug Linser
Through Zacchaeus and Bartimaeus, what do we learn about seeking Jesus and being willing to change? Let us listen to Pastor Doug’s teaching below. Scriptures Referenced Luke 19: 1-10 Mark 10: 46-52
Jul 29, 2018 | Pastor Allan Lebak
In what ways can we hear God and how can we bring value and assistance to others? Let us listen to Pastor Allan’s teaching below. Scriptures Referenced Psalm 18: 1-3 Hebrews 11: 6