Jul 22, 2018 | Pastor Wayne Lebak
What Biblical concepts of love in a marital relationship can be gleaned from the Song of Solomon? Let us listen to Pastor Wayne’s teaching below. Scriptures Referenced Song of Songs 2: 7 Song of Songs 2: 16 Song of Songs 3: 4 Song of Songs 5 Song of Songs 7 Song...
Jul 15, 2018 | Pastor Wayne Lebak
Seasonal changes happen in our lives, whether spiritually or physically. What steps can we take if we are still stuck in the same “season” of our lives? Let us listen to Pastor Wayne’s encouraging teaching below. Scriptures Referenced Genesis 19: 26...
Jul 8, 2018 | Pastor Tom Kozinsky
We have all heard that words have power. What should our speech reflect so that instead of inviting negativity, we edify and build? Let us listen to Pastor Tom’s teaching below. Scriptures Referenced Proverbs 18: 21 Proverbs 4: 20-22 Hebrews 4: 12 Psalm 139: 14...
Jun 29, 2018 | Uncategorized
What does a life of love look like to the unsaved world? Are we, as Christians, any different? Listen to Pastor Allan’s challenging word below: Scriptures Referenced 1 John 4:19 John 14:6 1 Corinthians 9:19 Luke 6:32-36 Proverbs 18:24 ...
Jun 24, 2018 | Pastor Doug Linser
How should we approach giving and service – the ways and the mindset – as Christians? Let us listen to Pastor Doug’s teaching below. Scriptures Referenced Mark 10: 45 John 15: 13-17 2 Corinthians 9: 6-15 1 Timothy 5: 8 Matthew 5: 43-48 Luke 10:...
Jun 17, 2018 | Pastor Wayne Lebak
When the world is telling a lie about the worth of fathers and men, how does one resist believing it? Let us listen to Pastor Wayne’s encouraging teaching below. Scriptures Referenced Jude 1-4 Jude 7 Jude 11 Jude 16-17 Jude 20-23 Jude...