Mother’s Day – Pastor Wayne Lebak

Mother’s Day – Pastor Wayne Lebak

Listen to Lead Pastor Wayne Lebak, share about Mother’s Day in the natural and spiritual.  Be encouraged with godly examples of strength and hope. Scriptures Referenced: Ruth 2 Proverbs 31...
James 4 – Prayer – Consider Your What and Why

James 4 – Prayer – Consider Your What and Why

Listen to Pastor Doug Linser share on James 4 regarding Prayer. Helpful tips to consider your What and Why no matter what season you are going through. James 4:2      ...
Pride – Pastor Wayne Lebak

Pride – Pastor Wayne Lebak

Listen to Lead Pastor Wayne Lebak share on one of the subtle hindrances to our walk with the Lord:  Pride.  Is pride easily identified? What is the best way to handle pride? Scriptures Referenced 1 Corinthians 3 1 Corinthians 4:5 Proverbs 16:18 Proverbs 13:10 Proverbs...
Immediately – Pastor Wayne Lebak

Immediately – Pastor Wayne Lebak

Listen to Lead Pastor Wayne Lebak share about the conversion of Saul in the Book of Acts.  There are specific points to recognize for our walk today! Acts 7 Acts 8 Acts 9
Jonah – Pastor Doug Linser

Jonah – Pastor Doug Linser

Listen to Pastor Doug Linser share new insights into a familiar story of Jonah with hope and encouragement for the challenges you are facing today. Bible References: The Book of Jonah  ...

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